The Plan
Strong Schools. Strong Communities.
Selected Site
29 acres adjacent to Hilltop Lutheran Church & across Highway #210 from the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center.
The parcel is within city limits and has access to city utilities.
Provides room for future expansion.
The proposed location is a strategic move that will result in more efficient use of resources and promote greater collaboration among our staff, all of which will directly benefit our students.
What will the bond fund?
A new elementary school to house grades 3-5.
Functional Facility: A new, modern building equipped with the latest technology and resources to enhance student learning.
Dedicated Spaces: A new school would distinctly separate public/educational areas such as gyms, cafeteria, and music rooms from the general educational classrooms. Adequate space for student support services e.g. special education, English language learners, Title I, RTI, and mental health support.
Safe Learning Environment: Updated security measures and accessible facilities to ensure student safety. Plans include a separate drop-off area, off-street parking for staff, parents, community members, and visitors. Under this new proposal, this would allow for a full-time administrator to be present at each of our elementary buildings full time.
Potential Baseball and Soccer Field: The district has a need for these activity complexes to better support middle school activities
Goals of the new 3-5 Elementary School that are lacking in current facilities
Provide adequate space to fully support fine arts programs for large group rehearsals.
Reduce transition time (bussing to and from the prairie wetlands learning center)
Provide adequate parking for school drop-off and activities
Provide adequate-sized spaces for special education and intervention services
Middle School Soccer Field (if voters approve)
Middle School Baseball Field (if voters approve)
Adequate-sized areas for:
Food Service Prep Area