The Plan

The conservative choice is to replace obsolete schools.

Why a new facility is the conservative, cost-effective choice.

The most cost-effective solution to meet student needs is a new facility that prepares students for 21st century jobs. At a low cost to taxpayers (about $7 per month), the district can continue its long-term plan of modernizing facilities to create safe, secure, effective learning environments.  

We heard you.

Voters believed the previous bond referendum asked for too much. After thoughtful consideration, the school board went back to the drawing board. With a new more conservative plan, the board unanimously approved a two question referendum for a smaller facility at a lower cost. 

How will the money be spent?

This investment is part of the district’s long-term plan of modernizing facilities that began with renovations after the 2007 bond referendum and the 2019 acquisition of the Target site for early childhood education and kindergarten.

Features of a New School

New School = Operational Efficiency

How will students and the community benefit?

The plan provides an improved learning environment for our kids and supports the community’s investment in our buildings for years to come.

Where would the school be built and what are the benefits of the location?

The new school would be built on a 29 acre site adjacent to Hilltop Lutheran Church and across Highway 210 from the Prairie Wetlands Learning Center on property already owned by the school district. Benefits:

What was the process used to decide to build a new school?


Long term facilities planning process to ensure buildings are used in the most efficient and cost effective ways.


District partnered with an outside firm to conduct a thorough analysis of buildings and grounds.


District leaders and facilities committee reviewed the study and developed options.


After a May referendum was rejected, the school board decreased the size and cost of the building and called for a new referendum.

Get your questions answered.

Community members with questions about our district’s Strong Schools = Strong Community referendum can contact Superintendent Jeff Drake at or (218) 998-0544, ext. 9010.